How to judge whether the gear reducer needs to be replaced with lubricating oil?

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By observing the oil quality, detecting the viscosity, considering the use time and working conditions, and referring to the operating conditions of the equipment, it is possible to comprehensively judge whether the gear reducer needs to be replaced with lubricating oil.

How to judge whether the gear reducer needs to be replaced with lubricating oil?

You can judge whether the gear reducer needs to be replaced by the following aspects:


1. observation of oil quality


  1. Color change

    • Under normal circumstances, the color of the lubricating oil of the gear reducer is relatively clear and transparent, or it is light yellow to light brown. If the color of the lubricating oil becomes darker, such as dark brown, black or even turbid, it means that the lubricating oil may have deteriorated and needs to be replaced.
    • For example, when the lubricating oil is affected by high temperature, oxidation and other factors during long-term use, it will gradually age and deteriorate, and the color will change accordingly.
  2. impurity content

    • Check whether the lubricating oil contains impurities, such as metal particles, dust, moisture, etc. The lubricating oil can be dripped on clean white paper to observe whether there are obvious black spots or particles. If there are more impurities, it will affect the lubrication performance of the lubricating oil, and even cause wear on the gears and bearings. At this time, the lubricating oil needs to be replaced.
    • For example, in some harsh working environments, the gear reducer may inhale dust and impurities, resulting in lubricant pollution.


2. detection of viscosity


  1. viscosity change

    • The viscosity of the lubricating oil was measured using a viscometer. If the viscosity changes greatly compared with the specified value, the performance of the lubricating oil has changed. If the viscosity increases, it may be because the lubricating oil is oxidized, contaminated or mixed with other substances; if the viscosity decreases, it may be because the additives in the lubricating oil are ineffective or diluted.
    • For example, when the gear reducer works in a high temperature environment, the viscosity of the lubricating oil will decrease as the temperature increases. If the viscosity is reduced too much, it will affect the oil film strength of the lubricating oil and reduce the lubricating effect.
  2. Liquidity change

    • Observe the fluidity of the lubricating oil. If the lubricating oil becomes viscous and fluidity becomes poor, it may be due to oxidation or contamination that causes its performance to decrease. On the contrary, if the lubricating oil becomes too thin and the fluidity increases, it may also be a problem.
    • For example, in a cold environment, the lubricating oil may become more viscous and flow less. If the fluidity deteriorates significantly at this time, it may be necessary to replace the lubricating oil suitable for the low temperature environment.


3. time of use and working conditions


  1. Use time

    • According to the instruction manual of the gear reducer or the oil change cycle suggested by the manufacturer to judge whether the lubricating oil needs to be replaced. Generally speaking, the new reducer needs to change the oil for the first time after running for a period of time (such as about 2000 hours), and then change the lubricating oil every certain time (such as six months to one year) according to the working environment and load conditions.
    • For example, if your gear reducer has been running continuously for a long time, exceeding the recommended oil change interval, then even if the appearance and performance of the lubricating oil looks OK, you should consider replacing the lubricating oil to ensure the normal operation of the reducer.
  2. Working conditions

    • If the gear reducer runs in a harsh working environment, such as high temperature, high humidity, dusty, corrosive gas and other environments, the aging speed of the lubricating oil will be accelerated, and the lubricating oil needs to be replaced more frequently.
    • For example, in a high temperature environment, the lubricating oil is easily oxidized and deteriorated; in an environment with corrosive gas, the lubricating oil may be corroded. If your reducer is in such a working environment, you should pay close attention to the state of the lubricating oil and replace it in time.


4. Reference Equipment Health


  1. Temperature change

    • Monitor the operating temperature of the gear reducer. If the temperature of the reducer rises abnormally, it may be that the lubricating performance of the lubricating oil decreases, resulting in increased friction and excessive heat generation. At this time, check the state of the lubricating oil and consider whether the lubricating oil needs to be replaced.
    • For example, if the temperature is significantly higher than usual when the reducer is running under normal load, it may be that the viscosity of the lubricating oil is inappropriate or has deteriorated, and it cannot effectively dissipate heat and lubricate.
  2. Noise and vibration

    • Pay attention to whether there is abnormal noise and vibration during the operation of the gear reducer. If abnormal noise and vibration occur, it may be the wear of gears and bearings, or the lubricating oil may be insufficient. Check the condition of the lubricating oil to see if it needs to be replaced.
    • For example, if the noise and vibration of the reducer suddenly increase, it may be that the impurities in the lubricating oil increase, or the viscosity change of the lubricating oil leads to poor lubrication.


In summary, by observing the oil quality, detecting the viscosity, considering the use time and working conditions, and referring to the operating conditions of the equipment, it is possible to comprehensively determine whether the gear reducer needs to be replaced with lubricating oil. Timely replacement of lubricating oil can ensure the normal operation of the reducer and extend its service life.